The bags are ready!
We are so excited to showcase our new product. We have our Ladybitz Bag ready for you to enjoy and use out on the river. Our first bags created are ready to be shipped to you from here in Durango, Colorado.
It is such a huge step in creating a product, the actual moment when they are ready to be sold. We are so proud of this bag and we hope that it helps so many women be able to discreetly discard of period trash while out on the river for multiday trips, and also help with keeping trash out of campgrounds and the great outdoors. We hope that this bag can help so many, keeping tampons out of groovers, keeping used pads and tampons out of campsites, and help women and girls feel comfortable out on rafting trips. This bag doesn’t just have to be used while on your period, but if you are like me, then you love to use face wipes and other cleansing wipes while you are out on raft trips, and having a built in trash disposal zone in your dry bag is the perfect place to dispose of it until you get back to civilization.
We hope that you enjoy our bag as much as we love it too.
Keep checking back for new blog entries, new products and other posts. Thank you for all of the support and go out there and have fun on the river!
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Cheers until next time!